Recto: Barlow describes the local prices, commodities and trading arrangements. He entertains the captain of one of the Mogul's great ships on board, and later dines with a Moorish merchant on shore. Verso: The SEPTER travels with other ships in convoy to Surat. On the way they encounter the ADVENTURE GALLEY, commanded by the pirate Captain William Kidd, and drive her off. At Surat Barlow takes the ship's musicians to the East India Company factory to make merry.

Page 275 and 276 of Edward Barlow's journal.

Page 275 (recto): Barlow gives the local market prices for goods, and describes the available produce. Fruit is plentiful despite the very dry climate. Barlow entertains the Nockada, the captain of one of the Mogul's great ships, on board. Later he dines with a Moorish merchant on shore. He gives details of trading arrangements and practice.

Page 276 (verso): Barlow and others meet with the Dutch commanders to arrange a convoy to Surat. He describes the people of Mocha, and the locust swarms there. The ADVENTURE GALLEY, commanded by the pirate Captain William Kidd, joins the convoy but the SEPTER drives it away by firing at it. On arrival at Surat Barlow and the ship's musicians, with a violin and an oboe, make merry at the East India Company's factory. At Mumbai Barlow is formally declared captain of the SEPTER by the East India Company General, and ordered down the Malabar Coast to load pepper.

Record Details

Item reference: JOD/4/275-276
Catalogue Section: Manuscript volumes acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Extent: 1 page
Date made: 1697
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London