Recto: Barlow criticises the captains who deserted Admiral Benbow. The KINGFISHER arrives at Kinsale, and sails from there to England in a large convoy. Verso: Barlow describes the great storm of 26 November 1703, in which the KINGFISHER narrowly escapes being wrecked. He leaves the ship when they reach Woolwich, and thanks God for preserving him during his long service at sea.

Page 293 and 294 of Edward Barlow's journal.

Page 293 (recto): Barlow describes how Admiral Benbow was deserted by some of the captains in his squadron during a battle in the West Indies, and describes these men in scathing terms. The KINGFISHER arrives at Kinsale and Barlow notes which ships they see there. Provisions in Ireland are cheap. The KINGFISHER sails back to England in a large convoy; in the Downs they see Sir Cloudsley Shovell in the TRIUMPH.

Page 294 (verso): Barlow describes the great storm of 26 November 1703. The KINGFISHER narrowly escapes being wrecked, but 24 crewmen in two of the boats are lost. In the morning they see many wrecks of ships and floating masts and sails. The storm was considered by Barlow and others to be God's punishment for a wicked generation. Barlow leaves the KINGFISHER at Woolwich, and thanks God for preserving him through many sea voyages over the years.

Record Details

Item reference: JOD/4/293-294
Catalogue Section: Manuscript volumes acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Extent: 1 page
Date made: 1702-1703
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London