Recto: Barlow ships as chief mate on the Indiaman SAMPSON. They sail with three other ships, and call in at Grand Canary Island for repairs to an anchor and the main yard. Verso: At Table Bay divers from the SAMPSON rescue goods and a gun from the shipwrecked ORANGE. The East India Company gives no reward for the salvage of this cargo.

Page 257 and 258 of Edward Barlow's journal.

Page 257 (recto): Barlow ships as chief mate on the East Indiaman SAMPSON. It is difficult to get enough crewmen as so many have been pressed for the navy. Barlow describes the advantages of being in the King's service. The SAMPSON, sailing with three other ships, damages her best bower anchor as they start the voyage. Later the main yard breaks, but they are able to make repairs when they reach Grand Canary Island.

Page 258 (verso): Barlow gets wet in bad weather and falls sick. They arrive at Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope, where their divers rescue ten bales of goods and a gun from the ORANGE, shipwrecked in a recent storm. The East India Company gives no reward for the salvage of these goods and Barlow comments on their ingratitude.

Record Details

Item reference: JOD/4/257-258
Catalogue Section: Manuscript volumes acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Extent: 1 page
Date made: 1691-1692
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London