Recto: On arrival back in England Barlow loses 30% on tea and lacquerware that he bought on his own behalf. Barlow leaves the WENTWORTH after failing to agree with the captain about wages for his next voyage. Verso: Barlow signs on as chief mate and China pilot of the FLEET FRIGATE, bound for Canton. 85 gallons of French brandy are bought for the voyage, but Custom House men from Deal confiscate it.

Page 285 and 286 of Edward Barlow's journal.

Page 285 (recto): On arrival back in England the WENTWORTH's cargo just beats the deadline after which wrought silk goods can no longer be imported. However due to various charges Barlow loses 30% on tea and lacquerware that he bought on his own behalf. Barlow fails to agree with the captain of the WENTWORTH about wages for his next voyage. He later regrets this as the captain of his next ship is not a good character. Barlow bewails his continual bad luck.

Page 286 (verso): Barlow is now nearly 60 and does not expect much good fortune. He signs on as chief mate and China pilot of the FLEET FRIGATE, bound for Canton. The ship is mounted with 22 guns and Barlow itemises the cargo. 85 gallons of French brandy are bought for the voyage, but Custom House men from Deal come aboard and confiscate it.

Record Details

Item reference: JOD/4/285-286
Catalogue Section: Manuscript volumes acquired singly by the Museum
Level: ITEM
Extent: 1 page
Date made: 1701-1702
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London