Journals of Lieutenant-Commander S.J.E. Searle, HMS MONTROSE 1919-1920

This collection includes: two journals written while Searle was serving in HMS MONTROSE from February 1919 to June 1920; various papers including reports of operations carried out by HMS MONTROSE, statements of thanks from Russian officers to British forces and anticapitalist writings by the Crimean Red Army; and photographs taken during HMS MONTROSE's movements across Europe.

CONTENT WARNING: This file contains images which may cause distress. Some photographs show images of executed men.

Administrative / biographical background
Lieutenant-Commander Searle served in the MONTROSE which was commissioned in 1919 for service on the Mediterranean Station. The MONTROSE and its crew took part in the evacuation of Novorossiysk in 1919 during the Russian Civil War. Searle died in 1972.

Record Details

Item reference: JOD/348; MSS/86/041.0 MSS/86/041 MS1986/041
Catalogue Section: Uncatalogued material
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1917-1920; c. 1919-1920
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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